Sample Contract for Subletting

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Subletting is a practical solution when you need to relocate temporarily or wish to save on living expenses. It involves renting out your living space to another person or party. If you`re considering subletting your property, it`s essential to have a contract in place outlining the terms and conditions of the arrangement. This not only protects you as the original tenant but also the subtenant.

The following is a sample contract for subletting that you can use as a reference or modify to fit your specific needs:

1. Parties Involved

This section identifies the parties involved in the subletting agreement. It includes the name of the original tenant and the subtenant.

2. Property Details

This section outlines the full address of the property being leased and the size of the living space to be rented out.

3. Lease Term

The lease term specifies the start and end dates of the subletting agreement. It`s important to indicate whether the sublease will be on a monthly or fixed-term basis.

4. Rent

In this section, the rent amount that the subtenant will be paying is specified. It`s important to note how and when the rent payments are due, as well as any late fees or penalties for non-payment.

5. Utilities

This section outlines which utilities are included in the rent and which utilities the subtenant is responsible for. It`s important to specify whether the rent includes electricity, water, gas, cable, or internet service.

6. Security Deposit

The security deposit is a sum of money paid by the subtenant to the original tenant as a form of protection against unpaid rent or damages. This section specifies the amount of the security deposit and the conditions under which it will be returned to the subtenant.

7. Maintenance and Repair

This section specifies who is responsible for maintaining and repairing the property during the subletting agreement. It`s important to outline what constitutes normal wear and tear versus damages caused by the subtenant.

8. Subletting Restrictions

This section outlines any restrictions on the subtenant`s use of the property, such as no smoking, no pets, or no parties. It`s important to specify any rules that the subtenant must follow during their tenancy.

9. Termination

This section outlines the conditions under which the subletting agreement may be terminated by either party. It`s important to specify how much notice is required and what happens to any prepaid rent or security deposit in the event of an early termination.

10. Governing Law

This section specifies the governing law that will apply to the subletting agreement. It`s important to ensure that the agreement complies with state and local subletting laws.

In conclusion, a well-drafted subletting contract is essential for both the original tenant and the subtenant. It protects both parties from potential legal disputes and ensures a smooth tenancy. You can use the above sample contract as a reference when drafting your own subletting agreement or consult with an attorney to ensure that your rights are protected.